Mybazar provide best Dropshiping product around the world
Wellcome to our dropshiper /customer's
About Us
Wellcome to our RK shop we'll provide best shopping experience for our customers
Our products are imported from abroad. good quality. We will be half cheaper than other products with the same product and quality. Transportation takes about 5-14 days. the shipping speed is fast, so it will be received earlier. Thank you for loving our shop
Featured Products
Automatic Hair curler Curling Iron Wireless Ceramic USB
Beauty care salon culry hair lovers
Fitness lovers
Fitness Sports Yoga Ball
This item is such a simple exercise tool that is safe and very effective to strengthen and tighten your physique. It can be used for low-back and abdominal exercise. It also can be used for yoga and pilates. Ideal for extending body muscle, improving balance capacity and shaping perfect figure, this item provides an enjoyable exercise alternative for both young and old and also perfect for use during pregnancy
Delivery & Returns
Khanal store will then allocate the order to the most suitable logistics provider for delivery. Buyers will know by email about delivery information , after we drop off the product we'll notify to customer by email about logistics information
If products is damage or wrong customer want to return order please notify by email and if product is damage take a picture and attache in email . first they need to do these stape
#pack the item to return and ship it back to the seller within 5 days from the date your return request was approved. You can return the parcel under 5 days
Payment Info
Cash on delivery/debit credit cards and online banking
Please insure that if you would like to purchase cash on delivery just put your delivery address and other who belong from other countries please use PayPal and visa debit. inside of Malaysia can use online banking mobile transfer
Why choose our products?
Our products imported directly from manufacturers
We'll give you good products value with best price and quality
Visit location
Hello, dear customer, dropshiper welcome to our Mybazar store, if you would like to cash on purchase products please visit location for nearby peoples
Thank you!
Our address
No 26 Jalan Rimbun 1 Taman Serimbun 79100 Nusajaya
Open hours
Daily 10:00 AM — 7:00 PM